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kennel Nietosten cattery
7.11.2018 / 3.9.2014
NFO g 03 / NFO ns 09 24
HCM: ultrasounded healthy / HCM: ultrasounded healthy
Kidneys: ultrasounded healthy / Kidneys: ?
Felv/Fiv: neg./ neg. / Felv/Fiv: neg./neg.
Bloodgroup: A / Bloodgroup: A
Pkdef: N/N / ?
Lonkat: A/A / Ei tutkittu
Polvet: 0/0 / Ei tutkittu
Inbreeding: 3,08%
Kitten's were born 5.5.2021 and will leave to new homes at 25.8.2021

1. FI*Nietosten Roihu
"Roi", ♂ NFO d 03 24
2. FI*Nietosten Indium
"Indy", ♀ NFO n 03
4. FI* Nietosten Puhuri
"Puhi", ♂ NFO n 03
5. FI*Nietosten Pisara
"Pisara", ♂ NFO n 09
6. FI*Nietosten Sora
"Sora", ♀ NFO fs 03 24
3. FI*Nietosten Vasama "Vasama", ♂ NFO d 09 24
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