kennel Nietosten cattery
What does a purebred cat cost?
Many people wonder about cats that cost more than a thousand euros and why would you even bother to pay so much for them or why do they cost so much in the first place? Are you going to get rich here? I can honestly say no. Cultivating does not increase the thickness of the wallet, nor is it funded anyway. It's almost easier to lose than to win. .
Let's make an imaginary situation. Someone gets excited about the idea of breeding cats and takes the breeding course required by the Cat Association, it costs approx. 30€ electronically, then you have to apply for a breeder name, it costs approx. 150€. Then we buy the first breeding cat of our own, the price is around €900-1900, and of course if the cat in question is from abroad, the trips were expensive and possibly the cat had to cross tax limits - in that case the price of the cat could easily approach €2000-3000. At the time of purchase, the cat is of course a puppy, so it takes at least a year to raise it to an adult. Let's assume that the puppy stays healthy and grows into a healthy adult. If the individual is sick, at this point it is just a loss and everything starts from the beginning

Breeding tests are done on the female, here you can correct or refine if you want, but depending on the scope of the tests and the requirements of the breed, the price will be something between 300-900€ per cat. Some cats have more extensive health requirements than others, for example DNA tests, heart or kidney ultrasound, hip imaging, etc.
If the cat has still been used in shows, they have paid around €60-80 per weekend, so that the cat can be CH, i.e. Champion, it must go to at least three shows and get a certificate for each one. For the IC - i.e. International Champion, you must already go abroad for a visit. There must be a total of 6 earned certificates (which means at least 6 shows), of which at least one certificate has been obtained abroad. The further we go, the more exhibitions we have to do and the more we have to go abroad to apply for certificates.
Then there would be the landing. Let's imagine that everything goes well and the weight increases, the nipples turn red and that's why you don't want an ultrasound when you're already sure that you're pregnant (always part of the ultrasound, this costs something like 80-150€). that's 100-150€ per puppy. So let's imagine the mother has had 4 puppies, that's a pretty average litter size.
Let's also imagine that there are two female and two male puppies in the litter, and that the breeder decides that none of the puppies will be left for further breeding. The puppies grow up and start using the litter box, the sand is consumed much more than before. You also start to taste solid food. Someone once estimated that an adult cat's expenses are approx. 20€/month, so let's pretend that puppies spend half as much - after all, they are smaller.
When they grow, they also need worming, three medicine packages are needed for three wormings. They are there around €10, or alternatively €30-200 for stool samples for a positive test, depending on how extensive the samples are taken and through which laboratory. In addition to that, vaccinations and litter checks, prices range from €80-100 for the first puppy and approx. €15-20 for the next puppy. A microchip at the visit is around €30 and vaccinations around €15 per puppy. Puppies are most commonly vaccinated two, sometimes three times. Sometimes the early vaccination at the 8th week is omitted and the puppies are vaccinated before the donation only at the 12th week, and if the rabies vaccine has also been given, it also costs approximately the same as the first vaccination. Since none of the puppies go to breeding, he sterilizes two, it's approx. 200€ per puppy and castrates two approx. 100€ per puppy.
It must be remembered that at this stage the breeder has not yet received a penny. He's just lost money. Let's calculate how much in total. Let's imagine that the mother has not been to shows to make things easier and that the breeder vaccinates twice, and nothing has gone wrong.

Tyes, we are only talking about the money that has directly gone to the puppies, if everything has gone well. A C-section in the emergency room can easily cost 1000-2000€, what if the puppies have diarrhea and it needs to be treated? One doctor's visit is often between at least €100-300, if you successfully manage everyday life and get a regular vet appointment.
In addition to this, it may be that the breeder wants to take genetic tests on the puppies to find out, for example, whether they carry some hidden disease or color (€80/cat) or maybe the breeder is careful and takes stool samples (€30-200 depending on the scope)._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
And what about the puppy packages? Some of the breeders invest a lot in the puppy packages and one package costs €40-80.
What about Bensa, who has gone across the country to meet each other while chasing a male or female, a veterinarian for transportation, or maybe the cats have lived in a foster home, in which case they have had to go to a foster home, or have to book one room just for the mother and puppies, when the cat returns to the breeder's home for the puppies._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
But most importantly, the breeder has taken responsibility and looked after the puppies, watched over the nights, maybe took time off from work and done a lot of work to find a suitable litter and get the puppies into representative pets just for you. So the hourly rate is not high, especially when the puppies still cost 24% of the price.
Perhaps this will open your eyes to consider what you are actually paying for and how much money and time have been spent on those puppies.