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Photo (c) Anna Laakkonen
Picture (c) Jarno Sinkko

FI*Nietosten Unelias /  FI*Raudaskoski Bearclaw

19.11.2020 / 21.10.2020

NFO g 02 21 64 / NFO n 09 24


HCM: healthy ultrasound  / HCM: healthy ultrasound

Felv/Fiv: neg./ neg. / Felv/Fiv: neg./neg.

Blood group: A / Blood group: A

Pkdef: N/N / PkDef: N/PkDef
Hips: A/A / Hips: Not examined
Knees: 0/0 / Knees: Not examined


Total inbreeding percentage:2.67%

Pictures of kittens

Pikku-Raksu is a good-natured hooligan. There is plenty of energy and it is used actively. Pikku-Raksu tolerates all kinds of treatments well, even if the hair dryer is harsh. He is an avid user of the exercise bike and likes to run around with the other cats in the family. Pikku-Raksu rarely settles in the lap, but is nevertheless sociable and a real sly rascal. The investment home calls her a little monkey. 

Otso is a playful and brave cat, already the tamer of the litter's fearless vacuum cleaner as a child. Otso has also continued his grandfather's and father's traditions in his love for people, and in Otso's opinion, the best place in the world is to be in the arms of your own person. Exploring the outside world while harnessed is one of Otso's favorite hobbies. 


The puppies grow up in a foster home in Riihimäki. 


Puppies were born on 5 March 2022 and will be handed over on 25 June 2022 at the earliest


1. FI*Nietosten Aave 

"Einari", ♂ NFO d 03 22


2. FI*Nietosten Kesä

"Mimmi", ♀ NFO f 03 24


3. FI*Nietosten Pörröturkki
"Kasper", ♂ NFO n 03 22


4. FI*Nietosten Harmaatuuli
"Sini", ♀ NFO a 03 24

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