kennel Nietosten cattery

FI*InukChuck's Vanemuise / FI*Nalle-Puhin Harley-Davidson Fat Bob
16.12.2016 / 1.1.2017
NFO e 03 / NFO a 09
HCM: healthy / HCM: healthy
Felv/Fiv: neg. / Felv/Fiv: neg.
Veriryhmä: A / Felv/Fiv: neg.
Sirius is an active, participatory cat who is happy to be involved as far as going. Sirius has made a Nordic 3,000km car journey to the Lofoten Islands, hiked in national parks and volunteered in a nursing home, and participated in exploratory youth work in Vantaa. At home, Sirius lives with a cat friend, but gets along with other pets as well. Sirius doe's not like foreign cats, it usually takes a day to get used to dogs. Sirius is diet selective but not picky. Sirius is an easy-going and gentle cat for everyone.
Hemmo is a brave and confident tomcat, it doesn’t mark around even if he lives in a mixed economy with many tomcat's and a female. The human-loving boy is happy to let non-owners pet, and doesn't flirt with females too eagerly, but gives them time to get acquainted. By the way, Hemmo doesn't flinch when something new appears but reacts to things in complete peace without hurry.
Kittens were borned in 7.11.2018 and ready to new homes earliest 30.1.2019

1. FI*Nietosten Supernova
”Robo” ♂, NFO e
2. FI*Nietosten Komeetta
”Sisu” ♂, NFO e
3. FI*Nietosten Galaksi
”Nugaa” ♂, NFO e
4. FI* Nietosten Kosmos
”Elon” ♂, NFO e
5. FI*Nietosten Aurinkotuuli
”Nova” ♀, NFO g 02
6. FI*Nietosten Tähtipöly
”Brunhilde” ♀, NFO g 03
9.2. All the kittens have moved to their new homes <3