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hPhoto (c) Samira Timonen


Picture (c) Tarja SIlventoinen

Sirius x Lamppu

FI*InukChuck's Vanemuise /  SC FI*RockyHill's Flo Yahto

16.12.2016 / 9.3.2016

NFO e 03 / NFO a 02 21 64


HCM: ultrascreaned healthy  / HCM: ultrascreaned healthy

Felv/Fiv: neg. / Felv/Fiv: neg.

Bloodgroup: A / Bloodgroup: A

Total inbreeding 4,52%

Pictures of the kittens


Sirius is an active, participating cat, who is happy to join in everything that’s happening. Sirius has made a Nordic 3000km trip to Lofotes, wandered in national parks, volunteered in a nursing home, and participated in youth work in Vantaa. At home, Sirius lives with a cat friend, Sushi, but gets along with other pets too - earlier she had also lived with two bunnies. It takes her a day or two to get used to dogs, but cats are usually a little trickier, and she tends to get nervous around them. Sirius is selective, but not picky, of her diet. She is an easy-to-treat, and gentle cat to every person.

Lamppu is big, but good mannered boy. A curious, independent, courageous and gentle nature helps to get along with other cats as well as a visiting dog. However, the walker of his own paths regularly needs his own humans armpit and scratches are needed in the mornings to get the day off to a good start.


Kittens were born 19.11.2020 and will be ready for new homes earliest 11.3.2021


1.FI*Nietosten Lustikäs

"Lune" ♂, e 03

2.FI*Nietosten Unelias

Dragon ♀,  g 02

3.FI*Nietosten Viisas

Veikko ♂, NFO e

4.FI*Nietosten Vilkas

Eino ♂, NFO  e

5.FI*Nietosten Ujo

Taiga♀, NFO g 01


One little angel ♀ NFO g 09 22



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